Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Life

We finally moved 2 1/2 weeks ago to the east side of the Central Park from the better side, the west side.

I have been unpacking for this whole time while taking care of the baby.  We moved from a one bedroom to a two bedroom apartment and I have already filled up the whole apartment even after dropping off bags of stuffs at the goodwill.  This is insane how much stuffs we have and even more insane part is that we probably use about 10% of these stuffs in a daily basis.  Or maybe even less.  What the heck do we have in this apartment?  We have 20 packs of post it notes.  20??  I was looking at our stationary box and also found 3 bags of pens that I accumulated over the course of 18 years. Holy cow!!  Who use pens nowadays?  In this new apartment, we also built a closet, full wall length, and I already filled up the whole space and that was not enough space for all my clothing.  I don't even know where to start decluttering my life because before we moved here, we already went thru all of our belongings and donating/throwing away tons of stuffs, hence, what's left was deemed necessary.  Who am I kidding.  This is insanity.

Maybe we should move to Texas.  Into a 5,000 square feet house for 3 people for the price of one bedroom in Manhattan.  NO WAY JOSE.

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